2024 Transition
The mission continues, but first, a good bye…

November 3rd 2024 update
Wellness TODAY…America TOMORROW
I want to post a brief update to all of you who have engaged with the Kansas City Wellness Club to speak about resiliency, and strength. I am doing strong, and I hope that you are too.
This year has been quite a year of reflection, accountability, and alignment. As I wrote on the website back in April, unfortunately the Kansas City Wellness Club business & business name had to officially shut down. We all wish this phase of the mission would have ended differently, and I will expand more upon that during a portion of my upcoming podcast mini series, but I remain proud of the successful experiment we were able to offer to you for 4+ years, and as with wellness being a perpetual process, the future hold perpetual opportunities to continue the mission onwards.
That future will consist of a transformational holistic life coaching business that will continue to serve out the mission & vision of the Wellness Club, albeit done more on an individual scale, with greater personalization, direct paths to success, and more agility in its development. I am soon to be a certified Nutritionist, and will spearhead the effort to focus on removing the complexity from your modern day stress factors and challenges you are facing right now, and simplify & help you optimize the repeatable engagement you have with your food, health, home, and clothing needs- your 4 core life necessities that everyone in the world shares. The market is already trending in these directions, it’s just a matter of making a scalable model on a personal level. I speak to it in my profile page that can be found at https://heath.zone , and will go farther into it once my coaching and local network businesses launch. For any member or guest of the Wellness Club, you will be welcomed and benefit. For anyone who lives close to the Kansas City Club and hasn’t heard yet, there is an ultra cool whiskey bar and barber shop that has opened in what was our yoga & fitness center, and what Michael the owner has done with that space is nothing short of incredible, for real. I stopped in there on Friday for the first time since we departed the building in February, as I felt it was time to embrace some nostalgia, and I wanted to see this new place while going to an ACA business club coffee meeting held there.
These last 4 years have been so profound on all of us, so many of us has learned & grown so much, many of us have battled tremendously, and ALL OF US were confronted with what means the most to our needs- and to the process of living life. For several years now, there has been a rise in farmer’s markets, farm-to-table restaurants, home grocery delivery, meal prepping, etc. The Wellness industry continues to grow, and the human desire has never been stronger to live healthier lives, longer and more resilient lives, with greater convenience to optimize personal time & enjoyment of life. It is a way of life without dependency, that enables confident personal empowerment, and allows you reach greater levels of peace & contentment in the daily process of living your life.
All of which to me signify what the USA was founded upon…and we all can agree that the pulse of the USA has never been beating stronger than it is right now, and the emotions and significance of the election that is occurring tomorrow. It is one of the rare days where nothing else matters but the voice of We The People. I wish it was a national holiday like other countries where after voting everyone gathers with friends & family for parties and celebration of the moment. No matter how you lean, tomorrow is a day to honor YOU, and all of the WE THE PEOPLE.
Thank you all, stay and well, and remember to consciously be active participants in the world that you want to emerge around us- as none of us are passive witnesses.
I hope you can find time today to invest in some wellness activities for yourself.
With blessings and abundance,
April update
Hello again to the great KC wellness community,
We wanted to provide a (final) brief update. Unfortunately after working through the legal processes with all the parties, the Kansas City Wellness Club business & business name will be officially shutting down. After April 30th, the business and resources will start becoming inactive. Again, we all wish this phase of the mission would have ended differently, but as we said in our initial update below, we are proud of the successful experiment we were able to offer to you for 4+ years, and we look forward to more wellness advancements in the KC region.
As the next phases of the mission develops, all of you who are on our greater email distribution list will receive periodic updates. If you do not believe you are on our email distribution list, then you can sign up at the bottom of this webpage in the Sign Up for Our Newsletter section. If you have any questions, first check out our FAQs at the bottom of this page and/or send an email to info@kcwellnessclub.com.
Thank you all, stay well KC, and remember to consciously be active participants in the world that you want to emerge around us- as none of us are passive witnesses.
obo the Kansas City Wellness Club
end of January, 2024
Hello to our great wellness community,
It is with a heavy heart that we announce that February 4th will be the last day of the Kansas City Wellness Club as you’ve known it to be- a brick & mortar wellness center inside the grand historic Kansas City Club building. We hope to keep the business name, however we are transitioning our business to the next stage- more dynamically scalable, more offerings, more lifestyle simplification and guidance. Exactly 4 years since we initially launched the business (and 5 years since we signed a lease with the Kansas City Club building), unfortunately our capacity to sustain in this building is coming to a close, and our last day of operation is coming soon.
We have accomplished so much, starting out as the urban jungle oasis sanctuary of health freedom and wellness excellence when our community needed it the most- during some of the darkest times in the world’s history, and arguably the most challenging time in American small business history. We were there for our community, and our community was there for us, always resonating with our mission to support & enable the good health of people inside of strong local economies. There are so many stories, too many to share here, but what a STORY we all could collectively write! We “paid” our employees by purchasing meals from local businesses during the lockdown. We comped services for nurses/EMTs for over a year. We won a Best Day Spa award in that 2020 year- our first year of launching. Last September the Mayor declared September 9 2023 to be Kansas City Wellness Club Day in KC. We have served so many of you beautiful people here in KC, so many out of town visitors, so many who heard about us and just had to come check us out, including professional football players of our hometown Super Bowl bound (again!) Kansas City Chiefs, members of the Kansas City Royals, professional baseball players, professional soccer players, professional musicians, ballet dancers, etc. The list goes on….but the denominator remains the same- professional. That level of service was always the bar we set out to achieve and provide you.
This does NOT mean that we are quitting on the mission & vision- both remain alive. Our vision manifested the Kansas City Wellness Club- not the other way around. Our mission has always been to be a trusted gateway into a more fulfilling life, the grand connector to authenticity, facts, and natural based pathways that benefit local economies/communities, help save you time, and make you more resilient to future adversity. For those of you who are actively involved in Coaching sessions, we are seeking a way for you to continue those during this transition period, so stay tuned as we will send out updates once details become available. If you are a wellness business or wellness provider, please do reach out if you desire more information on how a collaboration & referral & membership network could benefit each other.
We do not see this as a sad ending, but instead as a proud conclusion to a unique experiment, and excitement towards a natural evolution of a business whose goals are grand. We proved that the demand is out there- that you all want alternatives to the traditional healthcare system, that you all want to prioritize your health & wellness now more than ever, and that your pursuit of community- a tribe- of a support group of other humans who can connect on your level is critically important an in increasingly isolated & confusing world. You’re asking for more simple natural based solutions on how to feel less busy in your life, how to approach the benefits & consequences of modern day technology, how to know about and apply earthy solutions to your life rather than immediately seek endless pills or harsh chemicals from Big Pharma and the small group of companies that own most of the industries….all the way to how you can grow your own food forest, how you can automate the repeatable engagement you have with your sustenance food needs, to how you can bundle your clinical care together with your wellness care via connections to intentional primary care doctors who prioritize natural based treatments, and even into things like low cost ways to have access to a lawyer in case you need one. The Kansas City Wellness Club always was and is meant to be your exclusive referral & delivery network to enhance your life and simplify your transition to next age sustainable living.
To all our current members, past members, guests and friends and all the people who have supported us over the years, we are going to celebrate the incredible things we have done together as we are most definitely not done helping & healing…or delivering to you that which helped put us on the map and establish us as a courageous, well informed, community center of like minded wellness souls who celebrated human uniqueness, refused to allow any energies to divide us, and did not let any spirits of fear permeate throughout our spaces. We held ourselves to high standards to rise above the tidal wave of the moment and stand up for what we believed was the best care, treatment, empowerment, and positive energy that you all deserved, and we always had fun answering the questions- “How did you think of such a unique business like this?”…”What made you want to open this?”…”Why are there not places like this out on the coasts?”. Thank you to all the staff of the Wellness Club who breathed life into those energetic lungs each day, and served up your healing energy to so so many. Especially those staff members who stuck with us right up until the very end: Jennifer, Ramie, Megan, Sabino, Anna, Jordan, Rachel, Sam, Shaun, Cynthia, Janika, Gabby, George, Darrell, Jenna, and Chelsea. You all have been like family to me during the best & most difficult times of my life. Thanks to all of you for being supportive throughout this process.
Many are asking for referrals on where to go, or simply another health club type of place to work out and sauna and steam, so please see below as we listed out some options, and do reach out if you have any questions at all, and we will do all we can to help guide you towards anything that you may need right now. Our phone number will remain 816.601.5592 and email address info@kcwellnessclub.com
Stay well Kansas City, and keep believing. As we come up to and celebrate the birthday of one of the greatest advocates of unity, connection, and positive vibration healing- the one and only Bob Marley- let us take time to honor the divinity in each and every one of us, and collectively set course for what will be the greatest years of our lives up to this point! Remember, we are all active participants in the world that emerges around us- none are passive witnesses.
obo the Kansas City Wellness Club
- Are there still available appointments I can book into? Yes, we do have openings! Please call 816.601.5592 to schedule so we can find any available timeslot for you.
- Can you refer me to other places to go to? We are still working to establish some official relationships with like businesses, and there are many places out there, so in the meantime, let’s just spread the love to everyone. 😊 Below are places we have heard about, if you know of more, let us know and we’ll put them on the list! Thank you
- Arbor Vitae: https://www.arborvitaekc.com/
- Haven Wellness Spa: https://www.havenwellnessop.com/
- Your Wellness Connection: https://yourwellnessconnection.com/
- Massage Studio KC: https://www.massagestudiokc.com/
- The Laya Center: https://www.thelayacenter.com/
- Very Well KC: https://www.verywellkc.com/
- Spa at Briarcliff: https://spaatbriarcliff.com/
- Hand and Land: https://handandland.com/
- Solaris Massage: https://www.solarismassage.com/
- Mystic Medicine KC: https://www.mysticmedicinekc.com/
- Salon Oasis: http://salonoasisanddayspa.com/
- Sonrisa salon/day spa: https://sonrisadayspa.com/
- Spa on Penn: http://www.spaonpenn.com/
- Green Leaf Spa: https://greenleafspasalon.com/
- Well Known: https://www.bewellbeknown.com/
- Centered Spirit: https://www.centeredspirit.com/
- Sacred Roots: https://www.srhealing.com/
- Terry Binns Spa: https://www.terrybinns.com/
- Facial Bar: https://facialbarkc.com/
- Total Bliss Massage & Float Spa: http://www.totalblissmassage.net/
- The Grove Spa: https://www.thegrovespa.com/
- Spa at Woodside: https://clubwoodside.com/spa/
- Crossroads Spa: https://www.crossroadsspa.com/
- The Glam Room: https://www.theglamroomkc.com/
- Par Exsalonce: http://www.parexsalonce.com/
- YMCA: https://kansascityymca.org/
- Why are you closing the business? Our old business model was no longer sustainable, therefore we are taking the mission & vision and seeking to transition to a more dynamic concierge wellness system, so that we can be more agile in serving more people without the overhead of operating a brick & mortar location, and enhance our image of being a trusted gateway into a more fulfilling life, the grand connector to authenticity, facts, and natural based pathways that benefit local economies/communities, a guide to help you save time in your busy life, and make you more resilient to future adversity. Meal plans that we piloted in October 2023 are a great example.
- I recently bought a gift card, can I get a refund? Let’s be real and let’s be honest, a business does not make a hard decision like this or be forced to go through something like this without cashflow constraints. Combined with how there are legal processes that need followed during a time like this, we will be unable to process any refunds. Here is what we can tell you for the future- our character shown in running the place with the attention to detail and care and attunement to your energetic flow would not translate to us turning a blind eye on our responsibility to deliver for you in the future. We will look at all options to honor recent gift cards bought, putting ourselves in your shoes and wanting to be respected and honored when presented with like services somewhere else or other considerations. We are not going to forget about you. If you recently bought a gift card and would like to particularly stay informed on this topic, please send those details (gift card #, date bought, full name) in an email to info@kcwellnessclub.com by May 9th.