Covid-19 Info
Response & Resource Center
We are still (& especially now) here to guide you to be your best.
Clickable Table of Contents
What the Kansas City Wellness Club is doing
- We are mindfully guiding you to enable a culture of better health through increased awareness of wellness in your life, a raised level of consciousness, and the importance of maintaining good health. Through conscious natural methods, we take care of your current well being by guiding you above the stressors of the moment to make you more resilient to future life shock events.
- By empowering you through comprehensive education and support for your own powerful intuition and natural abilities. Often in times of uncertainty, there can be a wealth of misinformation spread, especially in today’s digital age. According to the latest reports from the CDC and other national healthcare providers, the current health risks are minimal for most age groups. Remember that our bodies are incredible- that they have evolved over many many years, and have long ago learned how to adapt to a new virus. Do not be afraid. Fear raises your stress level, and raised stress levels weaken your immune system. As for in depth info on the shots that are out there for you to take, we recommend you watch this recent video HERE from local doctors and health professionals….and ultimately get an antibody test before you do- to see if you have already developed the best kind of protection:: naturally produced antibodies.
- By enhancing our options for private rental. We know you seek to reunite with your friends and family members, but may be concerned about the place and atmosphere. We want to provide you with a warm, welcoming, safe, fun, and beneficial environment to do that.
- Being a Wellness Fitness & Healing Center, Spa, and Salon whose mission is to guide you to be your best, our #1 priority has always been the health and safety of those we serve. While our spaces were already clean and safe places to be inspected and abide by the standards of spa and salon licensing boards, we have done our best to keep up with all the new regulations from local policy makers. We have included some of those areas below, as we want you to be informed, and assured to leave your worries behind when you enter the Club. We care about your health so much- it’s what we exist for. We will take care of you.
- Check In Process: To minimize the number of people in our waiting area, we have rearranged our lobby furniture for more ample spacing. We also provide seating outside for those that would prefer to wait outside if weather permits. If you would like a more secure and swift check in, please let us know beforehand and we will be happy to have your service provider meet you at the door to escort you right back to the room.
- Face Coverings: You may wear a face covering if you choose. The clothes you wear and what they do to your bodily health is ultimately a personal choice.
- Cleaning Protocol: Let’s be honest and practical- we cannot sterilize ourselves out of this situation. It would not be psychologically healthy to think that we (or you) could, nor is it biologically healthy to surround yourself so often with such harsh chemicals. However we are enhancing cleaning protocols to sanitize our spaces. We are using hospital grade disinfectant to wipe down surfaces every four hours. Service rooms are sanitized and surfaces wiped down between guests, and staff will wash hands before and after working with each guest. All linens, towels, and capes are removed and washed in hot water and detergent. Hand sanitizer is placed throughout the facility for your convenience.
- Ultimately it’s up to personal responsibility, and we believe we all have it. If you feel sick and are displaying symptoms, please make that right decision to stay home.
- Please rest assured that we will continue to maintain the highest level of safety and care. If you have any questions regarding appointments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Information on the Virus
- How did the virus originate? The research to determine this is still ongoing, and therefore there is no proven answer. There are theories about it originating in a lab, or in an animal that then arrived at a product market, or that its DNA/RNA genetic material mutated under elevated electromagnetic radiation. Ultimately what concerns us the most is how there have been several “new” virus scares just in the last 18 years- SARS-COV-1, SARS-COV-2 (which is Covid19), MERS, Swine Flu, and Bird Flu just to name a few. Therefore to reach our goal of long term wellness, we believe that humanity should figure out why that is happening, looking at it from both historical and sustainability perspectives due to its vast impact on all levels- health, economic, social, psychological, etc.
- How is the virus transmitted? Public health organizations state the virus is mainly spread through inhalation when a person breathes in the air of respiratory droplets of an infected person, whether very fine mist or breath that you cannot see or via evaporated air off of large droplets that come out when a person coughs or sneezes. A virus can also be spread by touching one of these droplets on a surface, and then touching an entry point on their face like their mouth, nose, or eyes.
- How contagious is someone when exposed? As you can imagine, it is a gradual scale after getting exposed, with the viral loads in those droplets being very sparse immediately after exposure…to the viral loads becoming more denser and therefore more contagious as the person becomes more symptomatic (sicker). While scientifically possible to be infectious before showing symptoms, it is very difficult to prove, and therefore difficult to find comprehensive peer reviewed studies proving the theory. So therefore we again suggest common sense- it must only occur at a very low frequency due to the exposed person being on the very low (sparse) end of viral load.
- What do the early symptoms look like? The main ones are fever, coughing, or shortness of breath, and those symptoms appear anywhere from 2-14 days after exposure.
- What should I do if I have those symptoms? Generally, the answer is to stay home and NOT go out in public or to the hospital UNLESS your symptoms or vital signs are life threatening, then certainly seek immediate medical attention. However this does NOT mean that you should do nothing. Call your physician or medical provider to keep them updated on your situation and obtain from them information on available (and mostly natural based) early treatment protocols and immune boosting supplements for viral infections, discussed by Nobel Prize nominee HERE. Early treatment is SO IMPORTANT, so please take this phase most seriously. Most of all, remember that despite what you may be seeing or feeling, this is still similar to a common flu virus that you will have an extremely high probability of dealing with just fine. Hydrate often; eat healthy; rest sufficiently; cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, wash your hands often, and try to occupy well ventilated spaces as much as possible.
- What can I do to limit my risk of harmful infection?
- First, is how to limit getting infected in the first place- which there are these methods:
- While using practical common sense methods that are considerate towards others and their views, be aware of your space if you think someone around you is sick.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, as that length of time allows the complete purpose of hand washing- to clean your hands- to actually happen. If you can’t wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Secondly and just as if not MORE importantly, is the other part- in the likely event that you eventually receive this virus whether by natural or vaccine means- limiting how “harmful” the infection will be on you. While the hard truth is that you never know how a new virus is going to affect you, there are several ways you can go about keeping yourself as healthy as possible so IF it does, you have already built up your body’s defenses against it so that your immune system is as strong as possible to fight it off. We wrote a blog about optimal immune health that you can find HERE, and we also suggest these time-tested traditional methods:
- Do not live in fear. This is the most underestimated method. You cannot allow the unknowns or the “worst case scenarios” to dwell in your head. Remember that as long as humans have been around this earth, our bodies have gotten introduced to many viruses- and therefore learned how to instruct your body to safely handle the virus (via antibodies or T-cells etc). Anytime you have a very high certainty of a positive outcome, you should not let the fear of that small percentage constantly dominate your mental health- as that will lead to far more detrimental health consequences of raised levels of stress and anxiety, weakened immune system, and decision making that is unnatural to the type of person you want to be.
- Start taking supplements as soon as you have symptoms. More info on these can be found by the World Council for Health’s chart HERE, as well as a options described HERE by a recent Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
- Rest, and get enough sleep. Your immune system health and sleep health are closely connected.
- Eat foods rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and anti-inflammatory, such as more whole plant foods like fruits and vegetables. Where possible, incorporate herbs and oils that boost your immune system. Limit foods and drinks with added sugars.
- Ventilate! Your body needs fresh air even when you’re not sick with a respiratory illness, but ESPECIALLY when you are sick. Common sense- you do not want to keep breathing in your same infected air over and over for multiple days in a row. Open the windows during the day or at night, and let the air flow through.
- Exercise. Not intense, prolonged exercise….just regular moderate exercise. Moderate exercise may reduce inflammation and help your immune cells regenerate regularly. Perform as much of your exercise as possible outside to gain the beneficial aspects of Vitamin D from the sun AND ventilation.
- Hydrate, preferably with water. Preventing dehydration is important to your overall health, as dehydration can cause headaches and hinder your physical performance, focus, mood, digestion, and heart and kidney function.
- First, is how to limit getting infected in the first place- which there are these methods:
Wellness Advice & Guidance for you during this time
- If you are finding yourself more fearful these days, that’s ok. We respect you. With everything happening recently, we are looking for certainty…our human nature needs it. Since we can’t find the certainty, it makes us feel vulnerable, and when we’re vulnerable, we don’t think and act our best and we are more easily compelled to do things we wouldn’t otherwise normally do. But life was not certain prior to 2020…in fact the cold hard truth is that living life has never been a certainty, and never will be. We want to educate and guide you to become less fearful, and rise above this tidal wave of modern day life
- Stay plugged in with us as we provide you with educational videos and live events that showcase our wellness expert staff members, our natural based products, and our overall encouragement and companionship for and with you during this time. These will be updated and posted through our website, our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter), and our YouTube channel.
- Even if you can’t go tour the Wellness Club in person, we are bringing the Wellness Club to YOU, in a 360 degree perspective! Access it by clicking HERE to see how large and accommodating we can be to you and your wellness/lifestyle needs.
- If you find yourself at home more often, we are posting some suggestions for you to still stay healthy and mindful, and position yourself to come out of this moment stronger than when you were before you entered it.
- Do something new. No matter what it is, keeping your mind fresh and curious will enable stable emotions and feelings of freedom and familiarity.
- Break out a board game and get competitive. Learn to play chess. Or rediscover a classic like Trivial Pursuit, Clue, Monopoly. Set up and conquer a jigsaw puzzle. Challenge yourself, but don’t let it consume you.
- Create art. No matter how elementary or advanced, just using creative thought is extremely beneficial during this time.
- Clean or fix up your home. Take pride in what has become your persistent sanctuary. Perform some small fix ups around your place, that you had been putting off before this hit. Building fills you with purpose, and we all need to generate purpose right now.
- Read. We especially recommend entertaining books that bring about feelings of freedom and universal truths.
- Meditate. No matter how long. Just listen to your breath, and calmly brush aside any thought that comes to your head.
- Elevate your cooking game. Watch a cooking class, and watch how easy cooking really can be. Get creative and try out a new recipe, or else adapt to the times and determine what your “sustenance meals” are while at home during extended periods of time. We all now realize how smart this is, and how it will help us in the future.
- Take a virtual tour of a local or world attraction. Miss that adventure of discovering something new? Many museums and attractions are able to be viewed virtually with online tours. We have them all listed on our VR At Home page [link].
- Stay active. Take a walk, work in your garden, enjoy nature, observe something you hadn’t noticed before. In your home perform stretching and intelligent body movement exercises. Recommendations can be found here
- Find just a few extra moments to call some friends or family you haven’t talked to in a while. Do something for an elder or health worker in your family or community. If you can’t think of anything creative, simply send them a card.
- Limit media consumption. Both social and news. When you do consume, approach new information in this sequence: 1) Stop; 2) Breathe; 3) Reflect; 4) Respond. Make sure you are balancing your news intake with sufficient positive, uplifting stories.
- Organize your belongings/documents. Ever say “I wish I was more organized.”? Well, now’s the time to do something about it
- Keep informed about anything new happening in your neighborhood. There is a lot of creative and collaborative energy flowing right now. Give to people in need in your community: supplies for food pantries, financial donations, personal hygiene items, anything helps. Beware of scams- trust but verify before giving.
- Support local businesses with any purchases- in person or online- as much as possible. We need to realize that the local businesses/community that we know and love will not automagically be around all the time. We need to support them, to help ensure that the Kansas City we love and want gets supported and encouraged to flourish.
- Explore space and expand your mind. Come out of this timeframe with a greater understanding of the universe, its magnitude, its possibilities, its beauty, its awesomeness, and its oneness with your existence.
- SkyView, NASA’s virtual telescope for the sky, enables space fanatics to explore the cosmos via images produced with radio waves, UV light or X-ray light. Online visitors can also submit a query for astronomers to capture a specific part of the sky they’re interested in seeing. [link]
- The Hubble Space Telescope webpage brings the latest images and videos from space. [link]
- The American Astronomical Society’s WorldWide Telescope allows visual navigation through astronomical, planetary and earth data. [link]
- Slooh, an online telescope network, has live feeds from 10 telescopes for 20 hours per day, from the vantage of the Flagship Canary Islands Observatory in Morocco to the Southern Hemisphere Observatory in Chile. [link]
- NASA’s Spot the Station tracker shows where the International Space Station is currently located in an orbit around the Earth and the path you can expect it to take over the next 90 minutes. The best time to spot it is either right before sunrise or right after sunset, when it’s dark enough to see the reflection of the station’s solar panels. You can set up phone notifications for when it’ll be visible in your area. [link]
Medical Disclaimer: This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. the kansas city wellness club does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.