Heath Wessling
Both through his family as well as through initiative, Heath has assumed leadership roles in sports, travel, wellness education, and living life with authenticity. Having grown up in Iowa, and graduating with honors from the University of Iowa in MIS (his Honor’s Project was ‘The Effects of Technology on Today’s Society’) he brought his country/rural work ethic to Kansas City and gained global street sense perspective through 3 years living and working in London England and travelling the world.
Wellness, along with sustainability, is among his biggest passions in life. His wellness journey began in 2007 when while living in London he simply thought he’d go down to the local gym and ask a trainer what he could do to improve the consistency of his posture. His trainer’s responses made it easy for him to understand and referred him to Paul Czek’s book How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy. From then he has realized that there can be simple, natural, and effective guidance for not just optimal health but also optimal engagement of life’s repeatable everyday tasks.
He was immersed in the wellness industry for over a decade managing the wellness program implementation team at Cerner Corporation, before have very strong visions and spiritual energies pushing him to create a localized network that benefits our community. He says “I don’t know exactly what a ‘life mission’ feels like, but what I have been through these last several years seems like it is as close as it gets!”. Market forces are telling us that this is the ideal time to add in the vision- currently branded as New Needs- and you can check out more details on that HERE.
He wants the Wellness Club to be a place of Experience + Education. Heath describes himself as a believer, as a bridge builder. He cares about unity, courage, self sufficiency, and freedom- all fundamental traits that were seeked out upon the founding of our country. He has given talks on “How to Rise Above the Tidal Wave of Modern Day Life” along with “Planet Sustainability Wrapped Within Body Sustainability”, and has been featured on several podcasts- including Rounding the Bases and Startup Hustle.
He says we are at the most important point in human history, and now is the time to find out who truly is determined to be on the right side of history.
Interested in having the Owner speak at your event? Please send us a request HERE